cera - communities embracing restorative action
to enhance the quality of justice in
                      the communities we serve
          through restorative measures
© CERA - Communities Embracing Restorative Action. All Right Reserved.
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the vision of CERA is building                  harmonious communities

CERA Society envisions a community in which:
  • Members of the community recognize their responsibility for creating harmonious , inclusive and peaceful relationships, and take an active role in resolving conflicts which occur within it;
  • Conflict is routinely resolved through dialogue and in a manner which is consistent with the principles of restorative justice;
  • The needs of both person harmed and person who caused harm are recognized and addressed in the resolution of the crime;
  • There are sufficient services in the community to meet the needs of both offenders and victims;
  • All persons feel accountable and responsible for their behavior.