cera - communities embracing restorative action
to enhance the quality of justice in
                      the communities we serve
          through restorative measures
© CERA - Communities Embracing Restorative Action. All Right Reserved.
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adult referrals

In addition to accepting youth-based referrals, CERA works with its police partners, Crown, and ICBC in addressing adult cases. This allows adults who have committed offences the opportunity to accept responsibility for their actions and make things right. This serves as an excellent way for individuals to rectify their actions and learn from their past behaviour.

The CERA Society works with those who have committed harm and offers them a chance to face accountability and form an agreement through which they can demonstrate their remorse and repair the harm caused. This is also an exceptional opportunity for victims and the community to have a voice in the process, and participate in determining the outcome following the offence.